18 Jan

Authors-Dr. Indra Jakhar, Dr. Suman Kharb

Energy is a vital component for an economy and it fuels the engine of growth of an economy. Energy demand for an economy is influenced by several factors like urbanisation, technological advancement and increase in population. In India the Energy security is the biggest challenge along with the over dependence on non-renewable sources of energy and still a large section of the population is not even aware about the ill effects of non-renewable resources and doesn’t have incentives to move towards renewable energy sources. Lack of availability, accessibility and affordability along with health issues are major concerns to ensure energy security. The House-hold sector is the second biggest consumer of energy after industry so energy access is a big issue and 100 percent electrification of a country does not ensure energy accessibility and cannot be the sole solution for the demand supply gap of energy. Against this background this paper focuses on the household energy consumption aspect of energy for cooking, lighting and heating purposes and analyses the sources of energy and awareness towards renewable sources of energy in Haryana. The results of the study reveals that LPG is used as main cooking fuel and prevalent more in urban areas as compared to rural areas. Electricity is used as main fuel for lighting both in urban and rural areas. For heating LPG and electricity are used more in urban areas and in rural areas fuel stacking is prevalent.

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