Any paper submitted to IJRTSSH will be subjected to the following Peer Review Process:
Step-1: [Author]
– Author writes a manuscript and submits it to IJRTSSH Editor by mailing to editor@ijrtssh.comStep-2: [Author]
– Editor determines the quality and content of manuscript.– Editor forwards the manuscript to reviewers who are experts in the field, if it is accepted.
Step-3: [Reviewer]– Reviewer team will evaluate the manuscript and gives the status as follows to the Editor:
1. Accepted2. Accepted with changes
3. Rejected for revision/resubmission
4. Rejected
Step-4: [Editor]– Editor gives the reviewer’s feedback to author by e-mail.
– Editor also gives account detail for publication fee, If manuscript is accepted.
Step-5: [Author]
– Author should take one of the following actions based on review feedback:
1. Accepted:– Deposit fee to given account detail
– Send Final manuscript, Copyright form and Payment details (scanned copy of payment slip / online transaction details) to editor@ijrtssh.com2. Accepted with changes
– Make changes in manuscript and re-submit to editor3. Rejected for revision/resubmission
– Do the revision, make changes in manuscript and re-submit to editor4. Rejected
– Author can submit a new article for coming issue.Step-6: [Publisher]
– Publisher will publish the accepted manuscript in coming issue.Step-7: [Editor]
– Editor gives the published information to author by e-mail.Certificate of Publication:
A e-Certificate of Publication will be provided to the authors, after the Online Publication of International Journal.