Davendra Sharma
Abstract- This paper discusses the crucial role of Ethics in Education for 21st century in the backdrop of technological revolution. We can think of ethics as the principles that guide our behavior toward making the best choices that contribute to the common good of all. Ethics is what guides us to tell the truth, keep our promises, or help someone in need. Ethical values (i.e. honesty, trustworthiness, responsibility) help guide us along a pathway to deal more effectively with ethical dilemmas by eliminating those behaviors that do not conform to our sense of right and wrong – our best rational interests – without sacrificing others. Today, ethics has an important place in all areas of life. Education is also a fundamental process of human life. Therefore, ethics in education for 21st century has a very important and effective role. In order to be a good human, ethics should be taken seriously in educational system. In this paper, it will be discussed the ethics education in schools.. Before discussing this issue, it is necessary to define what ethics is and what education is.