Luter Henry Songu, Felicia Angereke, Abua Dymphina Anyingang
Abstract- This study examined the influence of bibliographic instruction on the use of library and information resources by undergraduate students of universities in Cross River State, Nigeria. The primary objective was to determine the extent to which bibliographic instruction impacts the utilization of library and information resources by these students. A single null hypothesis was formulated and tested to guide the study. The research adopted a survey design, and was carried out in Cross River State, Nigeria. The population for the study comprised 987 third-year (300-level) undergraduate students registered with the libraries at the University of Calabar and Cross River University of Technology. A sample size of 285 students was determined using the Taro Yamane formula. Data were collected using a self-developed structured questionnaire, personally administered by the researcher with assistance from two research assistants. The data were presented in tables and analyzed using Chi-square tests at a 0.05 level of significance. The results revealed that bibliographic instruction significantly influenced the use of library and information resources by undergraduate students in the selected universities. The Chi-square analysis confirmed the rejection of the null hypothesis, indicating that bibliographic instruction plays a crucial role in enhancing students’ ability to access and utilize library resources effectively. Based on these findings, recommendations were made to improve the delivery of bibliographic instruction, address barriers to resource access, and ensure that library services are more relevant to the academic needs of students.