Every author’s draft is undergone a Double blind review process at IJSET Journal. The process, as we are aware of, involves a closed review of the manuscript by two peers, concealing the identities of the author and the reviewers. The sole reason for blind review is to avoid any conscious or sub conscious bias. We strive for a quick review and with that, the complete circle of one paper’s peer review takes about 4 days. The sequence goes as follows:
Preliminary Submission
- Author submits the research paper
- manuscript through Online Submission Form

Initial Screening of the paper
- After the receipt of the paper, it is forwarded to the sub editor of the respective journal, who first reviews the submission to ensure it fits with the scope of the journal.
- Another essential element that is checked upon in the initial screening is the presence of plagiarism. IJSET adopts zero-plagiarism policy and if encountered, the paper is suggested a revision or rejection, depending on the plagiarism count.
Blind Review by Peers
The paper from the sub editor is forwarded to two peers for a critical analysis. The referees generally evaluate the paper on the following aspects:
- To judge the relevance of literature studied
- To study the Methodology defined and adopted
- To check on the integrity of the scientific work
- To evaluate the study’s findings and their significance to the academia
- To ensure the accuracy of References
Paper evaluation by referees consumes approximately 4 days, henceforth the assessment scores, with the review comments are forwarded to the Chief Editor of the respective journal for a final valuation.
Final Assessment by Chief Editor
The Chief Editor reviews the comments and assessment scores, shared by the referees. Basis a quality check for Grammar, Language, Layout & Format, Style and Graphic Quality of Illustrations and the peers’score, the Chief Editor gives his final judgment of whether or not to accept the manuscript for publication.
Chief Editor takes the decision to Reject, Accept with Changes or Accept as it is.