Davendra Sharma
Abstract- This paper will discuss how and why there is a need to transform today’s education for the unknown and unpredictable future with opportunities and challenges in mind. The whole world is changing so fast now that is is getting difficult to keep pace with there changes and innovations. Technological revolution, globalization, changing labour markets are all putting pressure on education and education outs of today. These rapid changes are making today’s education more and more irrelevant, ineffective and obsolete. Today’s education has served well till now, but we need to transform to meet the challenges of the future. Technology has opened new opportunities in every sector, and education is no exception. The main purpose of education has changed now due to technological revolution. Education is expected to prepare students of today for the jobs of the future, without being able to predict or confirm the future. That is a challenge in itself. How can we prepare our students for the future, the future that we have not seen or know about.