Scholar and researcher community intrigued themselves in research and discussed the online section of the research articles. They often look for an opportunity for the betterment of their research deeds. A good publishing platform involves the research sector in a way that helps in prospering the environment and other things that come to mind. They always prefer to be the epicenter of trending research. Students and other scholars having no prior experience of research publications find how do I get an article published on different search engines.
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How to select a good journal for publications
Following points will let one know how to select a good journal for research publication:
Explore websites – The first thing after writing a research article is to find an appropriate journal as per the research domain. It is very important to find a journal that covers the research area or topic, one is working in.
Indexing – listing on various platforms shows the reach of the listed entity. One should check the listing of the concerned journal before finalizing it for publication. Most of the time a journal’s reach and reputation is measured by its presence on different indexing platforms.
Impact factor – Journal’s impact factor can be a deciding factor for individuals looking for good journals in their respective fields. But it should not be considered solely for quality assurance because it depends on several factors which can vary journal to journal.
Open access availability – Articles that are easily accessible to readers invites more citation for the author. Journal’s that offer open access on its platform have wider reach compared to others.
- Article listing – Indexing of articles opens up one’s research work to a larger audience working in the same field. It helps authors in getting more citations for their published work and also get recognition in the field.

Apart from that if one is looking for a good indexing international journal in the field of humanities, arts, social sciences, physical education and other linguistics related subjects then do visit This journal is listed in many good indexing platforms and offers open access to each published paper on its portal. Published paper get indexed on ABCD Index article indexing page and can be accessible to wider audience. Journals offers fast review process that reduces the overall time for publication.