Research individuals working in the field of social science or arts and Humanities have to work in different segments of research from time to time. After conducting the research they write to record their research work and to record and forward the research work to others in the field they recall they write the research paper.
Submit Manuscript
Publication Processing Charges
Research publications help academicians in getting advancement in their career and achieving their personal professional goals. They require certificates to grab an opportunity Or sometimes young students and young scholars need to complete their degrees on behalf of research publications they include the credits in their marks cards in their report cards. To get their work done in less time they seek a general with low publication charges, most high impact Journals to publish their research work and get certificate of publication to complete their career oriented goals.

International journal of research trends in Social Science and Humanities is an open access journal that provides free access to all the authors sisters and academicians working in the field. Scholars most often seek a journal with high impact factors as they have more chances to get citations and have broader reach to the relevant audience. IJRTSSH is one of the journals that provides wider reach in the social science or humanities field.
Following are the steps to submit research paper in IJRTSSH journals:
- Search in the browsers search bar.
- Open the manuscript submission page by clicking on submit paper
Fill the details asked in the form like at keywords title of the research paper abstract email id of the author name etc upload the file in pdf or word file format.
Author does not have to worry about the template of the research paper while submission of their research article on the portal because This journal except to research paper this journal accept research papers in their own formats for review after the paper get accepted accepted then they can then the formatting of the research article would be done by journal itself.
Submit by clicking on submit button; you will get a message on your screen of successfully submitting your research article and get an email of the same.
Wait for the editor’s response and check email once a while to check the status of the paper.