Students pursuing masters and other academic/research individuals completed their first ever research recently often looking for free publishing international journals. As advised by their mentors to publish scholarly articles in an international journal for a good exposure. Being a researcher is not an easy job. One has to compete every hour to achieve new heights in personal and professional levels. Scholarly articles publications in a free publishing international journals help in the development of their respective subjects or research areas without worry about finances.
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How to find free publishing international journals?
Open any browser and type free publishing international journals in the search box. Journal’s related to search query would be on screen. Scholars can find the journal of their choice as per the list provided. Incase not getting the one they can search with more keywords related to free publishing international journals.

Benefits of publication in an international journal
There are plenty of benefits of publication in an international journal. Some of them are listed below:
- Global recognition – International journals provides a global platform for academic research scholars belonging to any part of the world. They arrange seminars, conferences from time to time to accumulate research and development in the field.
- Wider reach – International journals index themselves on various platforms to connect with larger audience working on the same. It helps to share research work to targeted audiences instantly after publication.
- Get to know like minded people – International journals collaborate with prominent academic and research institutions and experts in the field. They organize research gatherings to discuss current developments and its impact on others. These events are full of opportunities to get along with like minded people.
- Enhance visibility of research work – Article published in an international journal are instantly visible online. Scholars, researchers and other individual across the globe can access research work. Journals have their own team that ensures the visibility of research article.
Academicians looking for a good international journal working in the field of social science, arts and humanities can rely on IJRTSSH. It is an international journal provides open access to all the authors, scholars, and other research academic individual.